dr. Konstantinos Petsios

  1. dr. Konstantinos Petsios

dr. Konstantinos Petsios

Dr. Konstantinos Petsios se je rodil leta 1977 v Ioannini v Grčiji, leta 2001 pa je diplomiral iz zdravstvene nege na Univerzi v Atenah. Ima magisterij s področja pediatrične zdravstvene nege in s področja Javnega zdravja. Doktoriral je s področja kakovosti življenja pri otrocih z astmo. Trenutno dela v centru za srčno kirurgijo “Onassis” kot vodja urada za klinične raziskave. Je vabljeni predavatelj na Univerzi Friderik v Nikoziji, Univerzi v Atenah in Univerzi v Peloponezu. Ima več kot 18 let izkušenj v klinični praksi, predvsem v urgenti službi.

Je trenutni generalni sekretar odbora direktorjev Združenja medicinskih sester (HNA) in je svetovalec za področje pediatrije in NMP. HNA zastopa na srečanjih ICN in drugih strokovnih združenjih. Njegov raziskovalni interesi so raziskovalna metodologija, analitika velikih podatkov, kazalniki kakovosti, pediatrična intenzivna nega, raziskave na področju nadzora astme, rak pri otrocih, neinvazivno mehansko ventiliranje, prirojena srčna bolezen, etika zdravstvene nege, Kvantitativne in kvalitativne raziskave v zdravstveni negi, intenzivna in nujna zdravstvena nega, upravljanje človeških virov in klinični izzidi.

Dr Konstantinos Petsios was borned in Ioannina, Greece in 1977 and got his University degree from the Faculty of Nursing of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens in 2001. His first Master of Health Science was in Clinical Nursing, specialized in oxygen therapy in children (2004) and his PhD was in Pediatric Nursing specialized in the Quality of Life in children with asthma. In 2019 he graduated a second Master in Health Management & Public Health.

He is currently working in the “Onassis” Cardiac Surgery Center as Head of Clinical Research Office and Audit of Clinical Outcome. He is lecturing Paediatric Nursing, as an Invited Lecturer in the Frederick University of Nicosia, University of Athens and University of Peloponnese (2018-2019), respectively. He has more than 18 years of experience in clinical practice as an emergency care nurse, paediatric intensive care nurse and researcher/scientific collaborator. He is also serving as an invited Lecturer in postgraduate level in Master Programs held by the Faculty of Nursing and the Medical School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and the West Attica University.

He is the current General Secretary of the Directory Board of Hellenic Nurses’ Association (HNA) and he serves as a Counselor of the Pediatric Sector and the Emergency and Intensive Care Sector of the HNA. He represents HNA in the ICN Meetings and in a several professional meetings. Special interests: Research Methodology, Big data analytics, Quality Indicators, Paediatric Intensive Care, Research in asthma control, Paediatric cancer, Non-invasive mechanical ventilation, Congenital heart disease, Nursing ethics, Quantitative and qualitative nursing research, Intensive and emergency nursing, Nursing Administration, Human Resources Management and Clinical Audit.